Who We Are
We are a consortium composed by eight partners, from five European countries, which works on filling the gap in the academical education system in the field of additive manufacturing.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is quickly moving into the mainstream production, given its clear advantages in terms of efficiency, flexibility and even from an environmental perspective. Due to its novelty and fast growth and magnitude of application, the AM field has a distinctive set of features: it is still quickly evolving and, as such, job positions are very hard-to-fill because of the insufficiency of manpower with the required expertise; similarly, currently available educational offers are unable to provide students with the needed skills that can meet the expected high levels for such high performance, high value products.
Consequently there are two important hurdles to overcome:
- Absence of comprehensive and all-encompassing curricula/education (in universities) and
- The availability of skilled employees for a wide variety of positions, including engineers with AM proficiency.

The ADMIRE project goal
Qualify Additive Manufacturing Workforce
Design a Metal Additive Master degree (EQF Level 7)
Latest News
Get updated with our recent activity
- 16 Oct
ADMIRE: Final Conference and Final Partners’ Meeting By EWF | 16/10/2020 - 30 Sept
ADMIRE Final Conference | Skilling the AM Future 2020 15th of October By EWF | 30/09/2020 - 25 June
Overview ADMIRE Additive Manufacturing Symposium 2020 By EWF | 01/07/2020
Our Valued Partners
Together partners from 5 countries (UK, DE, FR, BE, and PT) universities (Cranfield University, University of Birmingham, Bremen University and Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico from University of Lisbon), companies (Manufacturing Technology Centre, IREPA and Global Robots Ltd) and students will design a Metal AM Master degree according to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework, with a set of innovative features.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.