- D1.1 - Research and Needs Analysis on Metal Additive Manufacturing
- D2.1 - Theoretical State-of-art Report
- D2.2 - MSc's Rules and Requirements and Draft Guideline
- D2.3 - Design Process Draft Guideline
- D3.1 - Draft Guideline of the AM MSc’s Purposes and Strategies Alignment
- D3.2 - Students support strategies
- D3.3 - Mapping and inventory of available resources
- D6.2 - Additive Manufacturing World Cafe Meetings
- D6.3 - AM Knowledge Speed Datings
- D6.4 - Roundtables Report
- D7.1 - Project Website & Logo identity
- D7.5 - Dissemination Portfolio
- D7.6 - Mid Term Conference & Evaluation
- D7.7 - The Future is now_European Metal AM Engineer MSc
- D7.8 - AM Symposium 2020 & Final Conference 2020
Flyer nº1
Flyer nº2
Flyer nº3
Flyer nº4
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.