Cranfield University
UKCranfield University
UKAt the forefront of aerospace and manufacturing technology for over 60 years, Cranfield University (CU) takes a practical and holistic approach to research.
Together partners from 5 countries (UK, DE, FR, BE, and PT) universities (Cranfield University, University of Birmingham, Bremen University and Instituto Superior Técnico from University of Lisbon), companies (Manufacturing Technology Centre, IREPA and Global Robots Ltd) and students will design a Metal AM Master degree according to level 7 of the European Qualification Framework, with a set of innovative features.
At the forefront of aerospace and manufacturing technology for over 60 years, Cranfield University (CU) takes a practical and holistic approach to research.
Founded in 1900, the University is one of the leading research-based universities in the United Kingdom; the breadth of research expertise is a distinctive characteristic of the University.
As an institute of the University of Bremen, the Airbus Endowed Chair (ISEMP) has its focus on the numerical simulation and application of innovative materials and manufacturing processes like additive manufacturing.
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest school of engineering in Portugal, with a long tradition in teaching, research, innovation and training activities. IST is part of ULISBOA.
GKN Aerospace is the world’s leading multi-technology tier 1 aerospace supplier. With 50 manufacturing locations in 14 countries, we serve more than 90% of the world’s aircraft and engine manufacturers.
IREPA LASER is a French and independent technology transfer centre providing the link between research and industry.
The world class Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) represents one of the largest public sector investments in UK manufacturing for decades.
EWF is an international non-profit association aiming at the collaboration in the study and solution of welding-related problems and the removal of technical barriers.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.